
Java se development
Java se development

java se development

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java se development

Your code is properly formatted as code block - see the sidebar (About on mobile) for instructions necessary context is perhaps that I'm on 64-bit Windows 7 (my Eclipse install on my Linux laptop works fine) Tldr: why is there a Java 16 if Oracle tells me 8 is the latest, which one do I want to run and program with the latest Eclipse?

java se development

Can I use it to run and compile Java or not, I ask. But then what is this Java SE? At one point, it says it's the standard edition, but on the next page, it says it's "for reference purposes only". Maybe the JDK has a different version number than the JRE, I theoretise. In the meantime, I have also googled for JDK, since I assume that I need the Java SDK to get the compilers. "java vs java se", I google, but all I get are articles about how Java SE is different from something called Java EE. Odd, I think, didn't Oracle tell me just now that Java 8 was released in 2021? Oh, I see, they are talking about something called "Java SE". Huh, what's that, there are versions of Java up to 16? One article mentions that Java 8 has been deprecated for years. If I am up to date, why is Eclipse complaining, I wonder? So I google Java 11. Oracle offers me to download Java 8 Update 291, released April 2021. Updated it to 2021, and it tells me I need Java 11 or higher. I had a 2019 version of Eclipse installed from last time I wanted to learn Java. I'm trying out some programming languages to perhaps get into (after previously primarily doing stuff with C#).

Java se development